It seems a little crazy to have a day off after only one day riding! Nonetheless, that is what we did. We rode on Saturday to Novato, CA where we stayed overnight two nights at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. I was able to attend a worship service with them on both Saturday evening and Sunday morning (no wonder my brother and sister call me Church Lady!) I was happy when the sermon was slightly different at both services–same structure but a little different version. At the Sunday morning service, I was astounded by the view that I had not even noticed the previous evening. In addition, the light coming in the stained glass in the morning sun was wonderful. I had left my phone/camera in the other room so I wasn’t able to get a picture.
One of my favorite things on this bike adventure, is going to be the chance to attend different churches each Sunday for worship. As a United Methodist pastor, I don’t often get the chance to simply be a part of worship without having to lead it or plan it. This was Pentecost Sunday, remembering the story when the Holy Spirit came with power (Acts 2) and rested on the 120 disciples who were gathered for prayer. The spirit drove them to proclaim the great deeds of the Lord—and each one present heard the proclamation in their own language.
I was moved to tears when, during the reading of this story, people started talking. I wondered if I had missed something and was supposed to be reading along, but I soon realized that they were reading in foreign languages. Many of them had come from other countries and were reading in their mother tongues. The babble was very confusing and I was as confused as people were in Jerusalem that day. We also were a part of the confirmation of a girl from the congregation, and I was able to pass on to her a blessing that I received as I began this journey, from Paul’s letter to the Colossians: “asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God. 11 May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience, while joyfully 12 giving thanks to the Father,”
Another thing that I am really looking forward to is the chance to meet people from all over the country. I want to understand something of what has made us so divided as a nation, and I want to be part of the healing. I believe that God has called me to this journey, and that God will be able to use it in some way.
Ruth, I’m subscribing! Have a fabulous journey, on the bike and of the spirit.